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USDOT Announces $5B to Restore, Reconstruct, and Repair Nationally Significant Large Bridges

MOBILE, AL — U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Secretary Pete Buttigieg announces more than $5 billion in Large Bridge Project awards through the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) competitive Bridge Investment Program.

The grants will fund the reconstruction, repair, and restoration — using American-made materials — of 13 nationally significant bridges in 16 states that connect communities to jobs and resources, support the economy, and serve as critical corridors for freight travel. These projects will also address important safety issues and make the bridges more resilient to extreme weather, all while creating good-paying jobs.

“For too long America let bridges fall into disrepair, which left people less safe, disrupted our supply chains, and cost people time and money — but now the Biden-Harris Administration is changing that with the biggest investment in our bridges since the Eisenhower era,” Buttigieg said. “There are currently about 3,000 fewer bridges in poor condition than when our administration began, and today we are proud to announce funding to repair or replace 13 of America's largest and economically significant bridges.”

In the Dixie Contractor area, the Large Bridge Project Grants awarded in this round include:

  • The Alabama Department of Transportation will receive $550 million for the I-10 Mobile River Bridge Replacement and Bayway Multimodal Project in Mobile, Alabama, to improve safety, reliability, and mobility for residents in the project area. The improved bridge will support local small businesses and the national economy through a more efficient movement of goods along Interstate 10, a critical corridor for the country.
  • Miami-Dade County will receive $101 million for the Venetian Causeway Bridge Replacement Project in Miami, Florida, to replace 11 Venetian Causeway bridges that were originally built in 1926, with newer, more resilient infrastructure anticipated to last 50 years, meeting updated design codes and improving safety.

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